Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Tips On How To Be A Good Freestyle Rapper | The Easy Way

                         Yes, finally, I have been wanting to write about this very topic for a while now. So you are reading this probably because you want to know how to FREESTYLE either as a rapper or a singer, well congratulation you are reading the right stuff.
        So first of all what do you understand by the word Freestyle(The Music point of view)? Freestyle according to UrbanDictionary is defined as "To make up a rap as you go. Could be a battle, a poem, or just a rap". This simply means joining words together out of your head with out looking at a book of already composed lyrics that would sound pleasing to a listening audience. 
       Today you may probably have seen good freestyle artists which have probably influenced you to want to know more about this great art, if you are good in it you are most times worshiped like a king and if you are a guy you get the girls coming your way a lot but all that is by the way. 
      So how do you think these guys became so good in this art of free styling for example a Famous Nigerian rapper doing a 2hours straight freestyle on radio live with him sounding really dope and really entertaining. The fact is there are certain rules this dudes follow and that's what I about to make known to you because I want you to do well in your craft. So the rules are as follow according to me JayBeats

  1. Believe you can do it: The truth is if you don't believe you can do it you can't go further I'll advice you to go check out other posts like HOW TO BELIEVE IN MY DREAM when you done and you now believe in yourself you can then come back and continue reading this post. 
  2. Listen To Rappers you admire: This will help you understand your genre better and also help you understand progression principle and how to attack BEATS(Instrumentals). 
  3. Write Rhyme and Short lines: To me this is one rule you should always keep, you may just be in your bathroom doing raping and just get some cool lines out some of the nonsense you have been Spitting my advise to you is to write that line some where safe, you can buy a note book where you will write does cool lines that come to your head once in a while and try to make the note a secret thing between you and your self.
  4. Reading Your Line Book: Yes your LINE BOOK is what you should call the book you write all the lines that comes to your head once in a while and reading it will stick those lines to your unconscious mind and bring them to your conscious mind when you need them the most in a freestyle ground and then you feel like the king you are.
  5. Practice: Yes I am a Big fan of practice like the old saying goes "practice makes perfect", you can do this with friends of like mind just freestyle on instrumentals but if you are a shy person or you want to train your freestyle looks to  look dope I'll advise you to play instrumentals and freestyle in front of a mirror this would boost your confidence a lot. 
  6. Gain Experience: This is another important rule you most keep, in fact you can't avoid it. Now is the time to start participating in various rap battles in your area, school, city, state or even nation wide as this would give you the experience and big exposure you've been waiting for and if you are lucky you could meet a very good Record Company that's ready to make a contract deal with you and with that my friend you are definitely on your way to stardom.
    Thank you for reading this post, I remain my humble Self JayBeats. This post is open to suggestion and correction and also give me feed backs on the comment section. If you get to your stardom remember to come back and say thank you.  

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