About Me

I am a very optimistic person that sees opportunity in every disaster. I always try to make good out of nothing. I love helping people that's just part of my lifestyle but in all this I'm not a "Workaholic".
  I am a kind of person that believes success comes from being humble and true to yourself as well as helping other reach their goals and you would reach your own goals. I believe in "forward ever backward never"  like my grand ma of blessed memory Mrs Margret Ofomaja would say" you are like your dad when he where young he would say 'NA FRONT FRONT OGORO DEY JUMP DEY GO' ".
  I find exploring new things cool and relevant if you don't want to be left behind, it's something we all should do all the time, trying to be up-to-date in your industry. I used to be someone that was afraid of FEAR & FAILURE on till I realized that Nothing can really put me down unless I desire to let it do, and I'll be a fool to allow such thing. I love success and I love successful people